
January 25, 2020
It was the usual setup for panelists at a finance conference talking about making smart investments. They were all the same gender. In this case, all women. That probably wasn’t surprising, considering the event was hosted by the United Nations-backed Principles for Responsible Investment. Still, Karine Hirn, founding partner at East Capital in Hong Kong,...
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Facing an increasing number of requests for its users’ information, Google began charging law enforcement and other government agencies this month for legal demands seeking data such as emails, location tracking information and search queries. Google’s fees range from $45 for a subpoena and $60 for a wiretap to $245 for a search warrant, according...
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Following is an edited transcript: Pooja Kumar: Today, I’m joined by Jim Weinstein, who is the senior vice president for Microsoft Healthcare in Seattle and before that served as CEO of Dartmouth-Hitchcock Health System. We’ll be discussing his perspectives as a former hospital operator and current technology executive. Jim, thanks so much for joining us...
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