The paper industry was circular before circularity was cool. With our news feeds
replete with reporting on the problems of single-use plastics in our
oceans and
microplastics in ourbodies.
Some may think of circularity as a recent concept. Yet in reality, the
fiber-based packaging and paper industry has been putting circularity to
practice for over a century.

From the use of renewable raw materials to the recyclability of the products we
create, the paper industry — and the ancient craft of papermaking itself — is
naturally circular. As one of the oldest and largest producers of renewable
fiber-based packaging, pulp and paper in the world, we at International
ha learned a thing or two over the
past 121 years.

We’re excited to see a growing recognition of the consequences of the
take-make-waste model of production and use; and an increased desire for
products that are responsible, recyclable and made from renewable resources.
Moving from linear to circular thinking isn’t easy, and no solution is

Companies may understand that this is a journey they must embark upon but don’t
know where to begin. Here are six lessons we have learned about taking
circularity from concept to craft, which can be applied to any industry.

1. Waste not, want not.

Making better use of what we already have is a lesson many of us learned
from our parents and grandparents, who may have lived through tough times,
such as the Great Depression. Resources are scarce in any industry, and
driving efficiencies through circular innovation is one of the best ways to
glean a competitive edge.

In the fiber-based packaging and paper industry, for example, we follow this
principle by making the most of every

and its byproducts to create value by eliminating waste. Indeed, trees are a
primary resource for us: We generate around 75 percent of our mill energy
from bark and biomass residuals, rather than fossil fuels; and the water we
use in our manufacturing process is reused up to 10 times before being
returned to the watershed. The products we create are, in themselves,
recyclable and reusable, passing on the benefit to consumers.

The takeaway: To infuse some circularity into your business, rethink what
you might typically consider waste and see if you can innovate to turn it
into a valuable

2. Be a good steward.

Iconic public service campaigns such as Smokey Bear and the Keep America
Beautiful PSAs of past decades taught a generation of Americans to be
responsible stewards of our environment. Over the years, we have seen
stewardship grow beyond a point of individual responsibility, with more and
more corporations recognizing the importance of stewardship. Identifying the
impacts and dependencies our businesses have — and seeking solutions —
speaks loud and clear to stakeholders.

At International Paper, we recognize our duty to regenerate natural

— not just because our business depends on the sustainability of
but because the benefits forests provide are critical to life on Earth.
That’s why we have sourcing policies in place to sustain forests; and why
we’re on the forefront of managing, conserving and restoring forestland
around the world by working within our value chain and collaborating with
NGOs for greater impact.

The takeaway: Look across your entire value chain to identify where
outcomes for people and the planet may be compromised by non-circular
and take concrete action within your value chain to do the right thing.

3. Collaboration is critical.

The proverb, “It takes a village to raise a child,” packages the power of
collaboration so well. Advancing the circular economy isn’t something that
any one industry, government or NGO can take on alone — it will take the
entire proverbial

to nurture circularity into adulthood.

Likewise, the challenges of bringing about circular solutions in the forest
products industry are greater than any single company can take on alone.
That’s why our team works across the industry, with NGOs, governments and
private landowners to expand our reach and to learn from others. For
example, our work with World Wildlife

is creating science-based

for forests and scaling forest restoration in Brazil; while our
involvement with The Recycling
supports improved curbside
recycling across the US to capture and keep as many quality recyclable
materials, including paper, out of the landfill and back into the recycling
stream to make new products.

The takeaway: To improve circularity within your own value chain, look to
partner with others outside of it who are working toward the same

4. Connect to something greater than yourself.

In 2015, the UN launched the Sustainable Development Goals
(SDGs) as a plan of
action for people, planet and prosperity; the SDGs have become the standard
by which corporations and governments alike ensure they are focused on the
right things.

We have mapped our global citizenship strategy to nine of the SDGs that are
relevant to our work at International Paper. Further, we participate n the
World Business Council for Sustainable Development’s Forest Solutions
, comprised of representatives from across the global forest sector
who recognize that our industry is uniquely positioned to drive the
transition to a circular future rooted in renewable, natural resources.
Together, we developed the Forest Sector SDG
a set of guidelines for forest-sector businesses that will help them
contribute to the achievement of the

The takeaway: Align your organization’s circularity strategy to global
initiatives that provide a shared game plan for progress, and find ways to
bring others on board.

5. Embrace innovation.

The race to provide circular solutions is accelerating, with customer demand
and the need for climate action driving innovation. These innovations are
across the board — from how a product is manufactured to how it’s disposed
of. In fact, the first principle of a circular economy is to design out
waste and pollution, and this requires creativity and a desire to innovate.

At International Paper, our

are tasked with designing innovative products that are recyclable, reusable
and minimize waste during production. In our industry, engineers oversee
improvements throughout the manufacturing process, and we embrace new
technologies that reduce emissions and use less energy.

The takeaway: Embrace innovation by listening to what your customers need
and helping them find a solution.

6. There’s always room for improvement.

Some artists say a work of art is never complete; in our pursuit of a
circular economy, we must be like unsatisfied artists who never settle for
“good enough.” There will always be room for improvement.

While the fiber-based packaging, pulp and paper industry can claim to be
“the original” in circularity, that doesn’t mean the industry is perfect. At
International Paper, we have challenged ourselves with doing more, in terms
of the innovation of our products and the sustainability of our operations.
As we look to our next-generation sustainability goals, we’re defining
ambitious targets that will push our capabilities as we strive to build a
better future and advance a circular economy.

International Paper is 121 years old. Like all companies, f we want to be
relevant for the next century, we must continue our trajectory toward
circularity and we must bring others along with us. For those of you just
starting out, as well as those further down the path to circularity, take
comfort in knowing you are not in this alone.

Source: Sustainable Brands – Latest News


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