
Affordable and Clean Energy
Today, more and more people want their investment dollars to do some good in the world. Should you, too, consider sustainable investing? And if you do, must you accept weaker returns from your investments? To answer these questions, you may want to have some background on sustainable investing. Sustainable investing is generally understood to include...
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Wind power currently accounts for just 0.3 per cent of the world’s energy mix, but amid falling costs and supportive policies, is on course to grow into a trillion-dollar industry which ultimately has the potential to provide sufficient clean electricty for every person on Earth eighteen times over, according to a major new industry report. What’s more,...
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Ocean Conservancy, in partnership with the Trash Free Seas Alliance, recently released its new “Plastics Policy Playbook: Strategies for a Plastic-Free Ocean.” Based on desk-side research, in-country workshops and robust financial modeling, the report is an in-depth guide to some of the most impactful public sector and private sector interventions available to tackle the scourge of...
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Icon will 3D-print six more tiny homes at a property in Austin housing the city’s homeless population. Katie Canales/Business Insider Icon is an Austin startup that designs 3D-printing technology capable of building tiny homes in about a day for a fraction of the cost of traditional construction methods. Icon cofounder Evan Loomis told Business Insider...
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Public and investor-owned utilities alike are facing a dilemma: Americans are using less energy. Increasing efficiency and the shift to a service-oriented economy have combined to reduce electricity consumption on a per capita basis for several years running. It’s a trend that’s weighing on utility companies, and their bottom lines. Eight U.S. utilities had debt...
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He leads up the Ambition Team, which analyses the climate commitments made by countries, regions and cities across the world, which are vital to help slow down global warming. Dozens of commitments were made at the Climate Action Summit 2019 hosted by the UN Secretary-General, in New York in September. Chief amongst them was a...
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The uptake of artificial intelligence (AI) is expected to create 133 million new jobs globally and “drastically change” the UK job market in the coming years, according to a new report. The findings come from the Harnessing the Power of AI: The Demand for Future Skills report, produced by global recruitment agency Robert Walters and...
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Today, at the C40 World Mayors Summit in Copenhagen, Los Angeles Mayor Eric Garcetti — the newly elected C40 Chair — alongside the mayors of cities worldwide including Austin, Amsterdam, Paris, Rio de Janeiro, Sydney and Tokyo, recognized a global climate emergency and announced their support for a Global Green New Deal. The broad coalition —...
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With 18 countries and the European Union now having ratified the amended treaty, from a total of 51 who have signed, including many of the countries which are part of the UN Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE), the official entry into force marks an important step to curb pollutants closely-linked to climate change, ecosystem degeneration, and potentially life-threatening human health. The Gothenburg Protocol, established back in 1999, sets forth legally-binding emissions reduction commitments for...
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