
Agricultural Inclusivity
How are companies chipping away at the next generation of big, hairy, audacious goals (BHAGs)? Read on … A comprehensive look at IKEA’s new holistic impact measurement system By Richa Agarwal IKEA’s Peter Jones | Image credit: SB/Twitter With the approach of the “4P” program — which focuses on people, planet, profit, and perception —...
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Today, at the C40 World Mayors Summit in Copenhagen, Los Angeles Mayor Eric Garcetti — the newly elected C40 Chair — alongside the mayors of cities worldwide including Austin, Amsterdam, Paris, Rio de Janeiro, Sydney and Tokyo, recognized a global climate emergency and announced their support for a Global Green New Deal. The broad coalition —...
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With 18 countries and the European Union now having ratified the amended treaty, from a total of 51 who have signed, including many of the countries which are part of the UN Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE), the official entry into force marks an important step to curb pollutants closely-linked to climate change, ecosystem degeneration, and potentially life-threatening human health. The Gothenburg Protocol, established back in 1999, sets forth legally-binding emissions reduction commitments for...
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UN’s Guterres: Broad climate ‘movement’ has begun, but there’s a long way to go When it comes to the climate emergency, “we have a long way to go. But the movement has begun,” UN Secretary-General António Guterres declared in a widely-distributed opinion piece on Thursday, reaffirming his concern over the threats posed by a warming world, unless more urgent action is taken. In...
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A new poll confirms that the majority of constituents in the United States are still opposed to president Donald Trump’s decision to pull out of the Paris climate agreement, as well as his overall views on climate change. According to reporting by Time Magazine, “while the administration has rolled back regulations to cut emissions of...
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The Governments which are party to the UN Convention to Combat Desertification (UNCCD), met in the Indian capital of New Delhi over ten days for COP14, adopting a series of breakthrough measures in the accord, known as the Delhi Declaration. Besides the LDN agreement – whereby countries have pledged to halt the degradation of land...
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“Bangladesh recorded the highest economic growth among a list of 26 countries in the last 10 years”, said Sheikh Hasina, noting a 188 per cent expansion in its gross domestic product (GDP), which “has grown from $102 billion in 2009 to $302 billion this year”. Citing poverty and inequality as two major obstacles to development,...
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Robert Furbank was at home in Canberra, Australia, watching a news segment about climate change with his two teenagers this summer when his daughter quipped, “Geez, Dad, you’ve really stuffed things up for us, haven’t you?” Sitting there as a proxy for the collective old guard, the plant physiologist faced the prospect that the next...
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