
Carbon Neutrality
The challenge of accurate renewable energy load forecasting may be helped by utilising Artificial Intelligence, writes Sid Sachdeva. The shift from fossil fuels to renewable energy sources comes as welcome news for the environment. While plants powered by oil, coal and gas hasten climate change with their carbon emissions, wind turbines and solar panels have...
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Given the high-stakes reallocation Mr. Fink predicted, sustainability likely will become the standard for the whole investment industry, sources agreed. Investment in sustainable, responsible and impact strategies by U.S. investors totaled $11.6 trillion in the U.S. in 2018, up 38% from 2016, per the U.S. SIF Foundation’s most recent biennial U.S. Sustainable, Responsible and Impact...
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It was the usual setup for panelists at a finance conference talking about making smart investments. They were all the same gender. In this case, all women. That probably wasn’t surprising, considering the event was hosted by the United Nations-backed Principles for Responsible Investment. Still, Karine Hirn, founding partner at East Capital in Hong Kong,...
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Faster charging, longer lasting, and lower temperatures. These are the three major benefits from a lithium battery that has been infused with wonder-material graphene. Thing is, we’ve all heard about the benefits of graphene before, but despite all the hype, we’ve yet to really see it used in devices and products that you can actually...
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Nature has responded to this “suicide war” many times, “as we have seen through hurricanes, fires, and severe drought in various regions of the world,” Mr. Guterres told the ceremony, at which the European Commision honoured Lisbon’s push for a green transformation that could serve as a role-model for other European cities. But the UN chief stressed that no matter how much harm we do to the Earth,...
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NEW YORK (Reuters) – If you have gone to Goldman Sachs Group Inc’s (GS.N) internet home page since mid-December, it would be reasonable to wonder if you had stumbled into some kind of parallel universe. Visitors are met with a background of lush greenery, along with a banner headline: “Our Commitment to Sustainable Finance.” The...
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The Brief  |  January 17, 2020 The Week in impact investing: climate action     ImpactAlpha The Week’s Agent of Impact Samara Hernandez, Chingona Ventures. The first hint that Samara Hernandez is not your typical venture capitalist is the name of her new firm: Chingona Ventures. Chingona is slang for “badass woman” in her native Mexico. She launched the...
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Global automotive firm Toyota Motor Corporation has announced its plan to build a sample of how a smart city of the future will be modelled. The prototype city of the future will be located on a 175-acre site at the base of Mt. Fuji in Japan. The city will be named Woven City, will be fully...
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Women from a single mothers’ association sweep rice at their processing plant in the town of Bolgatanga, Ghana. Our world is full of brilliant possibilities. But they’re not always open to everyone. The opportunities for women to contribute to the global economy are intrinsically linked to where in the world they are born and reach...
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