
Carbon Neutrality
Public and investor-owned utilities alike are facing a dilemma: Americans are using less energy. Increasing efficiency and the shift to a service-oriented economy have combined to reduce electricity consumption on a per capita basis for several years running. It’s a trend that’s weighing on utility companies, and their bottom lines. Eight U.S. utilities had debt...
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He leads up the Ambition Team, which analyses the climate commitments made by countries, regions and cities across the world, which are vital to help slow down global warming. Dozens of commitments were made at the Climate Action Summit 2019 hosted by the UN Secretary-General, in New York in September. Chief amongst them was a...
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Today, at the C40 World Mayors Summit in Copenhagen, Los Angeles Mayor Eric Garcetti — the newly elected C40 Chair — alongside the mayors of cities worldwide including Austin, Amsterdam, Paris, Rio de Janeiro, Sydney and Tokyo, recognized a global climate emergency and announced their support for a Global Green New Deal. The broad coalition —...
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The two-day summit, one of the five high-level summits and meetings taking place during the opening week of the 74th session of the UN General Assembly, will allow leaders from government, business and other sectors to identify specific actions on the road to 2030. Mr. Guterres reiterated some of the many aims from the Agenda...
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