
Circular Economy
With the economy coming to a stall, the Federal Government should remap Australia’s energy landscape, writes Tim Buckley. WE ARE IN unchartered conditions due to the coronavirus pandemic and the resulting global recession. Economic growth has slowed, the energy market has stalled, oil prices and the global stock market have crashed, and a virus without a vaccine...
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ImpactAlpha, March 12 – Toronto-based Engineers Without Borders has been making early-stage venture investments since 2013 as a complement its non-profit global development work. After a dozen investments, the organization is spinning off its venture arm as Hummingbird Impact to expand investments in tech-enabled social enterprises. Engineers Without Borders will remain a shareholder in the...
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Brad Merchant is Director of Impact Investments at Palladium, discusses the current economic climate in Africa and the secrets to investing in the region. When you imagine a finance professional at work in pursuit of the next impact investment opportunity, you may not envisage hours spent on dusty, back roads in rural West Africa. But...
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LONDON (Reuters) – Switzerland’s UBS said the value of its ‘sustainable’ investments rose by more than 50% to nearly $500 billion in 2019, while lending to the energy and utilities sectors fell by 40% as it tightened its rules. UBS, which has assets of more than 3.6 trillion Swiss francs ($3.76 trillion) and invests for...
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The New York State Research and Development Authority (NYSERDA) has announced a new Co-Investment Fund to support emerging clean energy startups. The fund has an initial $6 million in capital to finance clean energy startups seeking to match investments from qualified investors. The Co-Investment Fund is part of New York Governor Andrew M. Cuomo’s climate...
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    Downloadable Resources Open interactive popup Executive Summary (PDF-360KB) Full Report (PDF-3MB Advances in automation, artificial intelligence (AI), and digital technologies are changing the way we work, the activities we perform, and the skills we need to succeed. Catching this rapid transformation wave is of the utmost importance to ensure sustainable growth. Over the...
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Geoff Blake, in a guest ESG Comment for II, explains the significance of the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals and how KBI Global Investors’ analysis helps investors to understand what it is they are actually investing in.  When our peers use terms such as “aligned,” “mapped,” “meet” or “track” in the context of their investment strategies...
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Think back to 30—even 40—years ago. The solid waste industry was once known for its behind-the-scenes, “invisible” work. Now, conversations around landfills, recycling and the call for zero waste and sustainable business practices have put the waste and recycling industry under society’s microscope, with society leaning on this industry to solve some of its greatest...
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Corporate CEOs and boards are under increasing pressure from investors and others to do better by the planet and everyone living on it. That means doing all of the following and more: Go green. Do business more ethically, humanely and sustainably. Treat employees well and pay them fairly. Diversify the workplace and boardroom. Improve data...
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