
Circular Economy
Transforming our economies from linear to circular can help us reach our climate change goals. What does going circular mean? Using energy-efficient manufacturing processes, making products with a long life-span, designing waste out as much as possible and recycling and reworking products that have reached their end of life for new uses. Source: World Economic...
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How are companies chipping away at the next generation of big, hairy, audacious goals (BHAGs)? Read on … A comprehensive look at IKEA’s new holistic impact measurement system By Richa Agarwal IKEA’s Peter Jones | Image credit: SB/Twitter With the approach of the “4P” program — which focuses on people, planet, profit, and perception —...
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The paper industry was circular before circularity was cool. With our news feeds replete with reporting on the problems of single-use plastics in our oceans and microplastics in ourbodies. Some may think of circularity as a recent concept. Yet in reality, the fiber-based packaging and paper industry has been putting circularity to practice for over...
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