
Investors have a new resource at their disposal to make aligning their portfolios with their personal values easier than ever. The Invest Your Values search tools, created by As You Sow, a nonprofit that promotes corporate social responsibility, “offer investors insight into the environmental and social impact of their portfolios, alongside traditional metrics like financial...
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  To make a 3D-printable rocket, Relativity Space simplified the design of many components, including the engine.PHOTOGRAPH: RELATIVITY Relativity Space may have the biggest metal 3D printers in the world, and they’re cranking out parts to reinvent the rocket industry here—and on Mars. For a factory where robots toil around the clock to build a...
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More leadership from the private sector is needed to spur action towards delivering sustainable cities by 2030, argues GlobeScan’s Stacy Rowland Cities are hubs for ideas, commerce, culture, and innovation. They are where we live, work, and play – and they are also home to most of the world’s population, which is expected to increase...
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Article (PDF-766KB) Seven years ago, we unveiled research highlighting the existence of innovation’s eight “essentials”—a collection of attributes and behaviors that appeared to underpin superior innovation performance. 1 1. The eight essentials themselves comprise some 100 specific practices that are critical to innovation-led growth. For more, see Marc de Jong, Nathan Marston, and Erik Roth,...
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Wind power currently accounts for just 0.3 per cent of the world’s energy mix, but amid falling costs and supportive policies, is on course to grow into a trillion-dollar industry which ultimately has the potential to provide sufficient clean electricty for every person on Earth eighteen times over, according to a major new industry report. What’s more,...
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Full Report (PDF-7MB) African governments have made impressive progress in fostering development and improving people’s lives. The continent’s spending on infrastructure has doubled to around $80 billion a year in the past decade, investments in health systems have helped to halve infant mortality rates since 1990, and the average time African children spend in school...
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Ocean Conservancy, in partnership with the Trash Free Seas Alliance, recently released its new “Plastics Policy Playbook: Strategies for a Plastic-Free Ocean.” Based on desk-side research, in-country workshops and robust financial modeling, the report is an in-depth guide to some of the most impactful public sector and private sector interventions available to tackle the scourge of...
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The Recycling Partnership announced the first-ever roadmap aimed at addressing systemic issues in the U.S. recycling system and catalyzing the transition toward a circular economy for packaging. The report, “The Bridge to Circularity: Putting the ‘New Plastics Economy’ into Practice in the U.S.,” is inspired and endorsed by the Ellen MacArthur Foundation, whose New Plastics Economy Global...
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Icon will 3D-print six more tiny homes at a property in Austin housing the city’s homeless population. Katie Canales/Business Insider Icon is an Austin startup that designs 3D-printing technology capable of building tiny homes in about a day for a fraction of the cost of traditional construction methods. Icon cofounder Evan Loomis told Business Insider...
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Will work for data We’ve been running a data science experiment over the past few months. Our first goal was to compare and contrast the amount of data we could actively gather using a link to an online survey (please click here to take it) vs. the amount of data we could passively gather using...
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