
It’s a buzzword that’s slowly starting to lose its flavour for many – disruption – yet this intersection between innovation, originality and necessity promises a revolution of the status-quo. As use of the term spread from places like Silicon Valley to innovations developed in garages in one-horse towns, the intensity and hype get turned to...
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Facing an increasing number of requests for its users’ information, Google began charging law enforcement and other government agencies this month for legal demands seeking data such as emails, location tracking information and search queries. Google’s fees range from $45 for a subpoena and $60 for a wiretap to $245 for a search warrant, according...
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Following is an edited transcript: Pooja Kumar: Today, I’m joined by Jim Weinstein, who is the senior vice president for Microsoft Healthcare in Seattle and before that served as CEO of Dartmouth-Hitchcock Health System. We’ll be discussing his perspectives as a former hospital operator and current technology executive. Jim, thanks so much for joining us...
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A recent study by Oracle and Future Workplace reveals that artificial intelligence is reshaping the way people view their workplace. In fact, 64% of those surveyed said they’d trust a robot more than they’d trust their manager. The study presents a strong case that AI is already winning the hearts and minds of employees. The majority...
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In an earlier article, we looked at an inconvenient truth of supply-chain technology: the modern supply chain is still a fundamentally human endeavor. Smart algorithms may be able to generate faster, more accurate demand forecasts, for example, but executing against those forecasts requires the combined effort and alignment of hundreds of individuals across the organization,...
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Faster charging, longer lasting, and lower temperatures. These are the three major benefits from a lithium battery that has been infused with wonder-material graphene. Thing is, we’ve all heard about the benefits of graphene before, but despite all the hype, we’ve yet to really see it used in devices and products that you can actually...
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Polarization and conflict seem to be everywhere these days, and the workplace is no exception. When you spend a great deal of time with colleagues and managers, chances are that some conflicts are going to arise. Whether it’s disagreement on the best course of action to solve a thorny project issue, or a bigger-picture conflict...
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ImpactAlpha, Jan. 13 – Capitalism, in its current form, is not serving our planet or its people. The climate emergency and our worsening global inequality make this painfully clear. And yet, the malaise of the status quo is beginning to spur important change. A growing number of consumers are intentionally buying more sustainable products and boycotting...
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I can honestly say my career goals have never changed. Even as I’ve grown older, become a mom, and started a company, I’ve always wanted to be mostly all work, most of the time. My version of “work-life balance” is happily unbalanced. (The irony of being a Libra has never failed to escape me.) Because...
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    Thinking about the future allows us to imagine what kind of future we want to live in and how we can get there. In 2018 we celebrated the fifty-year anniversary of the founding of the Institute for the Future (IFTF). No other futures organization has survived for this long; we’ve actually survived our...
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