
Environment and Natural Resource Security
LONDON (Reuters) – The airline industry needs to take strong action to reduce carbon emissions and withstand the “flight shame” movement by environmentalists seeking to reduce commercial flying, an executive for London’s Heathrow airport said on Friday. The airport, which is Europe’s biggest and is set for record passenger numbers this year, has become a...
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Wind power currently accounts for just 0.3 per cent of the world’s energy mix, but amid falling costs and supportive policies, is on course to grow into a trillion-dollar industry which ultimately has the potential to provide sufficient clean electricty for every person on Earth eighteen times over, according to a major new industry report. What’s more,...
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French Finance Minister Bruno Le Maire delivers a speech during the Pledging Conference of the Green Climate Fund (GCF) for the First Replenishment in Paris, France, October 25, 2019. REUTERS/Pascal Rossignol PARIS (Reuters) – Donor governments pledged $9.8 billion in fresh financing for the Green Climate Fund, set up to help developing nations tackle global...
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Full Report (PDF-7MB) African governments have made impressive progress in fostering development and improving people’s lives. The continent’s spending on infrastructure has doubled to around $80 billion a year in the past decade, investments in health systems have helped to halve infant mortality rates since 1990, and the average time African children spend in school...
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Ocean Conservancy, in partnership with the Trash Free Seas Alliance, recently released its new “Plastics Policy Playbook: Strategies for a Plastic-Free Ocean.” Based on desk-side research, in-country workshops and robust financial modeling, the report is an in-depth guide to some of the most impactful public sector and private sector interventions available to tackle the scourge of...
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In his opening remarks to the C40 World Mayors Summit – a forum for member cities to present innovative actions to slow global warming – the Secretary-General noted that cities, which contain more than half the world’s population, and have an “enormous climate footprint”, are “on the frontlines of sustainable and inclusive development”. Urban citizens,...
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Public and investor-owned utilities alike are facing a dilemma: Americans are using less energy. Increasing efficiency and the shift to a service-oriented economy have combined to reduce electricity consumption on a per capita basis for several years running. It’s a trend that’s weighing on utility companies, and their bottom lines. Eight U.S. utilities had debt...
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The uptake of artificial intelligence (AI) is expected to create 133 million new jobs globally and “drastically change” the UK job market in the coming years, according to a new report. The findings come from the Harnessing the Power of AI: The Demand for Future Skills report, produced by global recruitment agency Robert Walters and...
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    A growing number of commuters have found that the fastest way to between Point A and Point B is if Point A is Point B. More than 1 in 20 Americans now usually work from home, new 2018 data from the U.S. Census Bureau shows. Telework has recently overtaken public transit as the...
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