
Environmental Footprint
(Reuters) – From plant-based meals to repeat tuxedos and water bottle bans, Hollywood has come to embrace sustainability in an awards season usually known for excess. Some of Hollywood’s biggest stars, many of whom are vocal about environmental issues, are now turning words into action on red carpets and at gala dinners as they crisscross...
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Global advisory services firm Ernest & Young or EY as it is commonly known, has announced plans to become carbon neutral globally by the end of 2020. The advisory firm has become the first of the big four to announce plans to go carbon neutral globally. The firm will also support its clients in their...
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Downloadable Resources Open interactive popup Article (PDF-3MB) In the mining industry, the impact of climate change and how the industry can respond to it has increasingly been a topic of discussion over the past decade. Mining is no stranger to harsh climates; much of the industry already operates in inhospitable conditions. But forecasts of hazards...
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Sustainable investing has become one of the buzziest trends sweeping Wall Street. There are now dozens of conferences organized around the topic. Consulting firms and private foundations are spreading the gospel. Trillions of dollars are piling in. There’s just one problem: No one is entirely sure what it is exactly or how to define it....
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It was the usual setup for panelists at a finance conference talking about making smart investments. They were all the same gender. In this case, all women. That probably wasn’t surprising, considering the event was hosted by the United Nations-backed Principles for Responsible Investment. Still, Karine Hirn, founding partner at East Capital in Hong Kong,...
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A worker pumping water from the Khahare River to supply a tanker in Kirtipur, Kathmandu. They make 4 to 5 trips every day.Credit…Purnima Shrestha for The New York Times By Peter Schwartzstein Jan. 11, 2020, 8:00 a.m. ET KATHMANDU, Nepal — It had been 11 days since a ruptured valve reduced Kupondole district’s pipeline flow...
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SAN DIEGO — The mood among economic forecasters gathered for their annual meeting last weekend was dark. They warned each other about President Trump’s trade war, about government budget deficits, and, repeatedly, about the inability of central banks to fully combat another recession should one sweep the globe anytime soon. Among the thousands of economists...
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Women from a single mothers’ association sweep rice at their processing plant in the town of Bolgatanga, Ghana. Our world is full of brilliant possibilities. But they’re not always open to everyone. The opportunities for women to contribute to the global economy are intrinsically linked to where in the world they are born and reach...
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This week the European Union outlined the world’s first comprehensive green-financing guidelines to regulate finance-industry claims in the thriving area of environmentally sustainable investment AKA ESG products. While the rules will apply only in the EU, they could have a broad effect due to Europe’s large financial markets and leadership in the sector. Lancelot King, counsel in...
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Can you invest in companies that help fight climate change or create a more equitable world and still make money? That is the question 20-something-year-old law graduate and investment banker En Lee found himself asking several years into his banking career. Having grown up in a family where philanthropy was a culture – his doctor...
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