
Future of Energy
Public and investor-owned utilities alike are facing a dilemma: Americans are using less energy. Increasing efficiency and the shift to a service-oriented economy have combined to reduce electricity consumption on a per capita basis for several years running. It’s a trend that’s weighing on utility companies, and their bottom lines. Eight U.S. utilities had debt...
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He leads up the Ambition Team, which analyses the climate commitments made by countries, regions and cities across the world, which are vital to help slow down global warming. Dozens of commitments were made at the Climate Action Summit 2019 hosted by the UN Secretary-General, in New York in September. Chief amongst them was a...
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Today, at the C40 World Mayors Summit in Copenhagen, Los Angeles Mayor Eric Garcetti — the newly elected C40 Chair — alongside the mayors of cities worldwide including Austin, Amsterdam, Paris, Rio de Janeiro, Sydney and Tokyo, recognized a global climate emergency and announced their support for a Global Green New Deal. The broad coalition —...
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    A growing number of commuters have found that the fastest way to between Point A and Point B is if Point A is Point B. More than 1 in 20 Americans now usually work from home, new 2018 data from the U.S. Census Bureau shows. Telework has recently overtaken public transit as the...
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It hopes to be ‘climate positive’ by 2030. Many companies are pouring money into renewable energy, but how many can say they’re producing more than they need? IKEA thinks it will, at least. Its holding company Ingka revealed that IKEA will generate more renewable energy before the end of 2019 than the energy its stores...
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A new poll confirms that the majority of constituents in the United States are still opposed to president Donald Trump’s decision to pull out of the Paris climate agreement, as well as his overall views on climate change. According to reporting by Time Magazine, “while the administration has rolled back regulations to cut emissions of...
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“Bangladesh recorded the highest economic growth among a list of 26 countries in the last 10 years”, said Sheikh Hasina, noting a 188 per cent expansion in its gross domestic product (GDP), which “has grown from $102 billion in 2009 to $302 billion this year”. Citing poverty and inequality as two major obstacles to development,...
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Autonomous vehicles were once something you’d see in a sci-fi or action film, but now, they are actually being developed and tested around the globe. Companies like Tesla, Volvo and Mack Trucks have used their knowledge of vehicles and technology to create prototypes that are currently being tested in different environments. And while these advancements...
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China has the largest solar industry in the world and now it has reached grid parity. This expansion means solar generation costs the same as electricity from the grid. Continue Reading: World Economic Forum | Agenda | feed
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