
Future of Food
Think back to 30—even 40—years ago. The solid waste industry was once known for its behind-the-scenes, “invisible” work. Now, conversations around landfills, recycling and the call for zero waste and sustainable business practices have put the waste and recycling industry under society’s microscope, with society leaning on this industry to solve some of its greatest...
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Investing well is hard enough, and introducing your personal values into the mix only compounds the confusion. What matters most? How can I have the biggest impact? And am I a traitor to myself if I own stocks in companies I would otherwise shun? Consider just one issue that inspires deep feelings: animal welfare. It...
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How are companies chipping away at the next generation of big, hairy, audacious goals (BHAGs)? Read on … A comprehensive look at IKEA’s new holistic impact measurement system By Richa Agarwal IKEA’s Peter Jones | Image credit: SB/Twitter With the approach of the “4P” program — which focuses on people, planet, profit, and perception —...
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LONDON (Reuters) – Britain’s biggest retailer Tesco (TSCO.L) has pledged to remove one billion pieces of plastic packaging from products in its UK stores by the end of 2020, seeking to reduce its environmental impact and meet growing consumer demand for less waste. Britons have become increasingly aware of the amount of plastic they use...
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UN’s Guterres: Broad climate ‘movement’ has begun, but there’s a long way to go When it comes to the climate emergency, “we have a long way to go. But the movement has begun,” UN Secretary-General António Guterres declared in a widely-distributed opinion piece on Thursday, reaffirming his concern over the threats posed by a warming world, unless more urgent action is taken. In...
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The Governments which are party to the UN Convention to Combat Desertification (UNCCD), met in the Indian capital of New Delhi over ten days for COP14, adopting a series of breakthrough measures in the accord, known as the Delhi Declaration. Besides the LDN agreement – whereby countries have pledged to halt the degradation of land...
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“Bangladesh recorded the highest economic growth among a list of 26 countries in the last 10 years”, said Sheikh Hasina, noting a 188 per cent expansion in its gross domestic product (GDP), which “has grown from $102 billion in 2009 to $302 billion this year”. Citing poverty and inequality as two major obstacles to development,...
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In the wake of Monday’s universal health commitments, WHO chief Tedros Adhammom Ghebryesus said the document would serve as “a new milestone in our journey towards a healthier, safer and fairer world”, dovetailing with the launch of the agency’s own pledge to boost healthier living.  “World leaders have unified around a shared vision of the world we want”, he said. “ Today, the international health community is doing the same”, introducing the WHO Global...
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Robert Furbank was at home in Canberra, Australia, watching a news segment about climate change with his two teenagers this summer when his daughter quipped, “Geez, Dad, you’ve really stuffed things up for us, haven’t you?” Sitting there as a proxy for the collective old guard, the plant physiologist faced the prospect that the next...
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