
Future of Health and Healthcare Environmental Health and Climate Change
A technology developed at the U.S. Department of Energy’s Oak Ridge National Laboratory and scaled up by Vertimass LLC to convert ethanol into fuels suitable for aviation, shipping and other heavy-duty applications can be price-competitive with conventional fuels while retaining the sustainability benefits of bio-based ethanol, according to a new analysis. ORNL worked with technology...
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A move towards a more sustainable bio-based economy has been given a new boost by researchers who have been able to simplify a process to transform waste materials into high value chemicals. A collaboration between the UK and Brazil has shown that waste sugar cane and wheat straw from agricultural processes can be made directly...
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OSLO (Reuters) – Norway’s $1.1 trillion wealth fund, the world’s largest, said climate change dominated discussions about whether it should sell stakes in companies because they are considered too risky. FILE PHOTO: Emissions from a power plant chimney rise over Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia January 13, 2017. REUTERS/B. Rentsendorj/File Photo The fund, which invests revenues from Norway’s oil...
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ImpactAlpha, Nov. 19 – It’s time for impact investors to speak more like activists. The Global Steering Group on Impact Investment’s abrupt relocation of its global summit from protest weary Santiago to Buenos Aires highlighted a broader disconnect between impact investing and the mounting conflicts between citizens and the governments and corporations that have power...
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This article is part of our Women and Leadership special section, which focuses on approaches taken by women, minorities or other disadvantaged groups challenging traditional ways of thinking. Bias is an unavoidable feature of life, the result of the necessarily limited view of the world that any single person or group can achieve. But social...
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NASHVILLE — Whenever people who are concerned about the environment gather, the conversation invariably turns to questions of how to live more gently on the earth. Concerned people are always asking how they can eat more responsibly, shop more responsibly, keep house more responsibly. How can they lower their carbon footprint? How can they tend...
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Today, more and more people want their investment dollars to do some good in the world. Should you, too, consider sustainable investing? And if you do, must you accept weaker returns from your investments? To answer these questions, you may want to have some background on sustainable investing. Sustainable investing is generally understood to include...
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In a call for action at the end of this week’s High Mountain Summit to tackle the global warming causing glaciers to retreat, along with snow fields, permafrost and associated ecosystems – collectively called the cryosphere – the World Meteorological Organisation (WMO) and partners announced they would step up commitments on the issue of water security and natural disasters linked...
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Wind power currently accounts for just 0.3 per cent of the world’s energy mix, but amid falling costs and supportive policies, is on course to grow into a trillion-dollar industry which ultimately has the potential to provide sufficient clean electricty for every person on Earth eighteen times over, according to a major new industry report. What’s more,...
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In his opening remarks to the C40 World Mayors Summit – a forum for member cities to present innovative actions to slow global warming – the Secretary-General noted that cities, which contain more than half the world’s population, and have an “enormous climate footprint”, are “on the frontlines of sustainable and inclusive development”. Urban citizens,...
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