
Industry Innovation and Infrastructure
As the second decade of the 21st century drew to a close, we saw even greater calls for action and policies to address climate change and pressing societal challenges from the likes of 16-year-old Greta Thunberg, Time’s 2019 Person of the Year, to veteran naturalist Sir David Attenborough. As the 2030 deadline draws near, collective...
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ImpactAlpha, Jan. 13 – Capitalism, in its current form, is not serving our planet or its people. The climate emergency and our worsening global inequality make this painfully clear. And yet, the malaise of the status quo is beginning to spur important change. A growing number of consumers are intentionally buying more sustainable products and boycotting...
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  Coworking spaces, by definition, group people together to work in one area, side by side. How closely depends on the accommodations and the management. Functioning in this environment can work differently for different people. A new survey reveals how workers feel about coworking spaces based on their individual personality types. The Dawn of Coworking...
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SAN DIEGO — The mood among economic forecasters gathered for their annual meeting last weekend was dark. They warned each other about President Trump’s trade war, about government budget deficits, and, repeatedly, about the inability of central banks to fully combat another recession should one sweep the globe anytime soon. Among the thousands of economists...
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The year 2019 was a big one for responsible investors who incorporate environmental, social and governance (ESG) factors into investment decisions. Issues such as environmental sustainability, human capital management, diversity and inclusion have become corporate imperatives while CEOs are now rejecting the old shareholder primacy model of capitalism. The momentum will continue in 2020. Here...
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In the field of psychology, the image is canon: a child sitting in front of a marshmallow, resisting the temptation to eat it. If she musters up the willpower to resist long enough, she’ll be rewarded when the experimenter returns with a second marshmallow. Using this ‘marshmallow test,’ the Austrian-born psychologist Walter Mischel demonstrated that...
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Global automotive firm Toyota Motor Corporation has announced its plan to build a sample of how a smart city of the future will be modelled. The prototype city of the future will be located on a 175-acre site at the base of Mt. Fuji in Japan. The city will be named Woven City, will be fully...
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Nations across the world are following a United Nations blueprint to build a more sustainable future — but a new study shows that blueprint leads less to a castle in the sky, and more to a house that needs constant remodeling. Sustainability scientists have developed systematic and comprehensive assessment methods and performed the first assessment...
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Much has been written about the rise of automation in developed countries. Economists have been busily creating models seeking to quantify the likely impact of automation on employment.1 However, far less has been written about the potential effects on work in developing nations. This is surprising, given that automation may be especially troublesome for developing...
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