
Information Technology
Artificial intelligence is entering our lives in many ways – on our smartphones, in our homes, in our cars. These systems can help people make appointments, drive, and even diagnose illnesses. But as AI systems continue to serve important and collaborative roles in people’s lives, a natural question is: Can I trust them? How do...
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Facing an increasing number of requests for its users’ information, Google began charging law enforcement and other government agencies this month for legal demands seeking data such as emails, location tracking information and search queries. Google’s fees range from $45 for a subpoena and $60 for a wiretap to $245 for a search warrant, according...
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Global automotive firm Toyota Motor Corporation has announced its plan to build a sample of how a smart city of the future will be modelled. The prototype city of the future will be located on a 175-acre site at the base of Mt. Fuji in Japan. The city will be named Woven City, will be fully...
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For the world of social media, 2020 arrives with no shortage of drama. As the U.S. presidential election cycle shifts into high gear, controversies over political ads and privacy have resurfaced, with talk of “breaking up” the big networks gaining momentum. At the same time, brand new social platforms like TikTok have emerged to give...
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World Wide Web inventor Tim Berners-Lee released an ambitious rule book for online governance — a bill of rights and obligations for the internet — designed to counteract the growing prevalence of such anti-democratic poisons as misinformation, mass surveillance and censorship. The product of a year’s work by the World Wide Web Foundation where Berners-Lee...
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The challenge of building an energy future that preserves and improves the planet is a massive undertaking. But it all hinges on the charged particles moving through invisibly small materials. Scientists and politicians have recognized the need for an urgent and substantial shift in the world’s mechanisms of energy production and consumption in order to...
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Full Report (PDF-7MB) African governments have made impressive progress in fostering development and improving people’s lives. The continent’s spending on infrastructure has doubled to around $80 billion a year in the past decade, investments in health systems have helped to halve infant mortality rates since 1990, and the average time African children spend in school...
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Icon will 3D-print six more tiny homes at a property in Austin housing the city’s homeless population. Katie Canales/Business Insider Icon is an Austin startup that designs 3D-printing technology capable of building tiny homes in about a day for a fraction of the cost of traditional construction methods. Icon cofounder Evan Loomis told Business Insider...
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Autonomous vehicles were once something you’d see in a sci-fi or action film, but now, they are actually being developed and tested around the globe. Companies like Tesla, Volvo and Mack Trucks have used their knowledge of vehicles and technology to create prototypes that are currently being tested in different environments. And while these advancements...
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  Most of today’s developed countries, as well as those that transformed their economies in the second half of the twentieth century, relied on export-oriented manufacturing to boost productivity and create large numbers of jobs. But robots, the Internet of Things, and 3D printing may change manufacturing so much in the coming years that African...
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