
“Social investors are too busy running to the top floor to get the impact coming out of the chimney – when the foundations haven’t been built to provide strength and stability to the organisation.” These were the words of a social investor we interviewed earlier this year as part of a research project for a...
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Women from a single mothers’ association sweep rice at their processing plant in the town of Bolgatanga, Ghana. Our world is full of brilliant possibilities. But they’re not always open to everyone. The opportunities for women to contribute to the global economy are intrinsically linked to where in the world they are born and reach...
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Climate change and its consequences have been in the headlines more than ever lately, and for good reason. It is estimated that if the average global temperature rises by 2 degrees Celsius on average over the next decade, it will result in irreversible damage to our planet and its inhabitants. Governments and their leaders have...
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Much has been written about the rise of automation in developed countries. Economists have been busily creating models seeking to quantify the likely impact of automation on employment.1 However, far less has been written about the potential effects on work in developing nations. This is surprising, given that automation may be especially troublesome for developing...
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This week the European Union outlined the world’s first comprehensive green-financing guidelines to regulate finance-industry claims in the thriving area of environmentally sustainable investment AKA ESG products. While the rules will apply only in the EU, they could have a broad effect due to Europe’s large financial markets and leadership in the sector. Lancelot King, counsel in...
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IMAGINE investing in a good story. A big story, tracing the arc of a megatrend – not just a cycle – that will propel those riding the wave far forward. That’s what thematic investing is about: betting on the robotics revolution, rapid urbanisation, or the fact that many of today’s incumbents will be heavily disrupted...
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As we head into the final days of 2019, it’s a good time to look back at the research, perspectives, and insights that resonated most deeply with readers this year, with our collection of most-read articles. What does this collection say about how our readers are thinking about business challenges and the practice of management?...
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Downloadable Resources Open interactive popup Article (PDF-2MB) 2019 in China brought together long running challenges, such as uncertainty over US–China tariff levels and ever more intrusive regulation of business in China, with a few unexpected ones as well: the crisis in Hong Kong and the flare up triggered by tweets from an NBA coach, to...
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  What is the meaning of life? But if you’re still searching, take solace in the fact that scientists may have finally found the age when purpose becomes clear. Knowing the answer could be a boon to your physical and mental health — humans tend to thrive with a sense of purpose, their results suggest....
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