
Next Gen’s Appetite for Social Impact
Nearly a decade after the world’s largest climate fund, the Green Climate Fund (GCF), was established in 2010 under the U.N. Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC), the first comprehensive performance review of the Fund’s effectivity, functionality and impact was published in late 2019.Is the Fund responding to the needs of developing countries? How are...
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Climate change is the defining challenge of this generation, according to the United Nations, and if you ask NASA it is one of the most complex issues we face today. At the heart of the climate debate is the energy sector. There is now a global consensus that hydrogen is a key cornerstone on the...
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For the world of social media, 2020 arrives with no shortage of drama. As the U.S. presidential election cycle shifts into high gear, controversies over political ads and privacy have resurfaced, with talk of “breaking up” the big networks gaining momentum. At the same time, brand new social platforms like TikTok have emerged to give...
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The number of financial advisors investing a portion of assets according to environmental, social and governance criteria has increased substantially. Two years ago, 41% of top advisors polled by Ignites Research used ESG products or ESG ratings (or both). This year, that figure soared to 69% of advisors. There are two ways FAs can approach...
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The millennial appetite for social entrepreneurship isn’t simply youthful idealism, writes Russell Prior Young people today are growing up in an increasingly interconnected and borderless world. This lets them explore the world outside their own and connect to the problems that surround them. In recent months, we’ve seen the proliferation of networking groups, societies and advisory...
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