
Organizational Development
The challenge of building an energy future that preserves and improves the planet is a massive undertaking. But it all hinges on the charged particles moving through invisibly small materials. Scientists and politicians have recognized the need for an urgent and substantial shift in the world’s mechanisms of energy production and consumption in order to...
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ImpactAlpha, Nov. 19 – It’s time for impact investors to speak more like activists. The Global Steering Group on Impact Investment’s abrupt relocation of its global summit from protest weary Santiago to Buenos Aires highlighted a broader disconnect between impact investing and the mounting conflicts between citizens and the governments and corporations that have power...
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Downloadable Resources Open interactive popup Article (PDF-456KB) Knowing tech-enabled transformations’ potential to meaningfully improve business performance, executives in the industrial sector have been pondering how to use new tech for maximum effect. The efficiency that tech-enabled transformations can create can also be a major force behind margin growth. While there are many possible areas of focus—such...
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Environmental, social and governance (ESG) investments have a data problem. It’s not that the data underpinning these investments is bad—far from it. The problem is that there’s too much of a good thing, and nobody can agree on which data points should take precedence over the rest. As more and more ETF issuers launch their...
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If you’ve ever attempted to meet an ambitious goal, you’re probably familiar with just how difficult it is to change your habits. You’re also probably aware of how much influence the mind has in determining whether or not you’ll be successful in that endeavor. Some days, it feels like your brain corresponds with your body...
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For those looking for the antithesis of tweet-driven investing, Bank of America Merrill Lynch strategists are offering an answer. The equity thematic investing team developed a blueprint for what long-term investors can own to take advantage of 10 so-called “megatrends,” such as peak globalization and demographic trends like “peak youth.” In a note to clients...
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“There’s an old saying, ‘Things move at the speed of trust,’” Brian Chesky, co-founder and chief executive of Airbnb, said on Wednesday at The New York Times DealBook conference. “Well, how could you possibly trust something on a platform if you don’t even know if it’s true?” If there is one singular issue that defines...
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The paper industry was circular before circularity was cool. With our news feeds replete with reporting on the problems of single-use plastics in our oceans and microplastics in ourbodies. Some may think of circularity as a recent concept. Yet in reality, the fiber-based packaging and paper industry has been putting circularity to practice for over...
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Social Impact Investing: Benefits and Recommendations for Investors On August 19, 2019, nearly 200 chief executives met to redefine the purpose and role of businesses in society. The outcome of this meeting was a paradigm shift from the long-held corporate orthodoxy that shareholders’ interests are supreme to a standard that promotes “an economy that serves...
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Today, more and more people want their investment dollars to do some good in the world. Should you, too, consider sustainable investing? And if you do, must you accept weaker returns from your investments? To answer these questions, you may want to have some background on sustainable investing. Sustainable investing is generally understood to include...
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