
Shift Towards ESG Investment
Sustainable investing has become one of the buzziest trends sweeping Wall Street. There are now dozens of conferences organized around the topic. Consulting firms and private foundations are spreading the gospel. Trillions of dollars are piling in. There’s just one problem: No one is entirely sure what it is exactly or how to define it....
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Given the high-stakes reallocation Mr. Fink predicted, sustainability likely will become the standard for the whole investment industry, sources agreed. Investment in sustainable, responsible and impact strategies by U.S. investors totaled $11.6 trillion in the U.S. in 2018, up 38% from 2016, per the U.S. SIF Foundation’s most recent biennial U.S. Sustainable, Responsible and Impact...
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It was the usual setup for panelists at a finance conference talking about making smart investments. They were all the same gender. In this case, all women. That probably wasn’t surprising, considering the event was hosted by the United Nations-backed Principles for Responsible Investment. Still, Karine Hirn, founding partner at East Capital in Hong Kong,...
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The idea of applying ESG criteria to the investment process is increasingly gaining momentum among HNW investors, according to Cerulli Associates. In its latest report, the Boston-based research firm reveals that the demand for investments that consider environmental, social and governance (ESG) criteria is gaining traction with HNW investors. Related articles In particular, it reports...
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