
Smart Cities
The debt market has seen various changes in the recent past. The sudden spike in retail inflation in December to 7.35% from 5.54% in November has surpassed the Reserve Bank of India’s (RBI) comfort level. In the last monetary policy, RBI put a halt on repo rate cuts, after reducing it by 135 basis points...
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Corporate CEOs and boards are under increasing pressure from investors and others to do better by the planet and everyone living on it. That means doing all of the following and more: Go green. Do business more ethically, humanely and sustainably. Treat employees well and pay them fairly. Diversify the workplace and boardroom. Improve data...
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When he became chairman of the Federal Communications Commission, Ajit Pai announced that he was going to take a “weed whacker” to Obama-era regulations. So far, he’s kept his promise, and earned the internet’s ire for reversing the agency’s position on net neutrality. Pai defends his actions and explains how the U.S. can “win” everything...
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Most Popular Insights ‘True Gen’: Generation Z and its implications for companies Climate risk and response: Physical hazards and socioeconomic impacts Understanding the leader’s ‘identity mindtrap’: Personal growth for the C-suite Five Fifty: Soft skills for a hard world Getting practical about the future of work When Thomas Edison was asked if he regretted all...
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Many students across America can expect to read or listen to speeches by Martin Luther King Jr. during Black History Month, but in Oakland, Calif., they go beyond just reading. In the annual Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Oratorical Festival, students perform those speeches, as well as poetry and monologues they wrote, and compete for...
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THERE is a huge, untapped market opportunity in Asia, driven by under-served populations. Today, there are over one billion people in Asia who live in poverty. Yet, they are already spending over US$2 trillion annually on basic goods and services such as food, housing, clothing and telecommunications. And poverty levels across Asian countries have been...
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A new way of making bone-replacement materials that allows for cells to grow around and inside them has been developed by researchers at the University of Birmingham. The team adopted a novel approach called chemobrionics, in which chemical components are controllably driven to react together in specific ways, enabling the self-assembly of intricate bio-inspired structures....
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In 1996, Hema Hattangady took over as the CEO of Conzerv, an embattled family-owned firm based in Bengaluru that manufactured digital energy meters. Over the next twelve years, she grew it to a Rs 100 crore company, which has become the country’s largest energy-management company. In 2009, the company was acquired by Schneider Electric, and Hema Hattangady...
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Land prices are booming in Sazlibosna. Over a tulip-shaped glass of tea in one of the village’s cafes, local governor Oktay Teke says that a few years ago, a square meter of land here in the farming community northwest of Istanbul sold for as little as 10 Turkish lira, about half the price of a...
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