
Sustainable Development Goals
UN’s Guterres: Broad climate ‘movement’ has begun, but there’s a long way to go When it comes to the climate emergency, “we have a long way to go. But the movement has begun,” UN Secretary-General António Guterres declared in a widely-distributed opinion piece on Thursday, reaffirming his concern over the threats posed by a warming world, unless more urgent action is taken. In...
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“Bangladesh recorded the highest economic growth among a list of 26 countries in the last 10 years”, said Sheikh Hasina, noting a 188 per cent expansion in its gross domestic product (GDP), which “has grown from $102 billion in 2009 to $302 billion this year”. Citing poverty and inequality as two major obstacles to development,...
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In a bid to convince nations to spend their money in areas that support the 17 comprehensive Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), the UN is bringing leaders from governments, business and the financial sector together in New York on Thursday, for the first High-level Dialogue on Financing for Development since the adoption of the ground-breaking Addis...
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The two-day summit, one of the five high-level summits and meetings taking place during the opening week of the 74th session of the UN General Assembly, will allow leaders from government, business and other sectors to identify specific actions on the road to 2030. Mr. Guterres reiterated some of the many aims from the Agenda...
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In the wake of Monday’s universal health commitments, WHO chief Tedros Adhammom Ghebryesus said the document would serve as “a new milestone in our journey towards a healthier, safer and fairer world”, dovetailing with the launch of the agency’s own pledge to boost healthier living.  “World leaders have unified around a shared vision of the world we want”, he said. “ Today, the international health community is doing the same”, introducing the WHO Global...
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The eyes of all future generations are upon you, and if you choose to fail us, I say, we will never forgive you. Greta Thunberg, Climate Activist She added, bluntly, “you are failing us, But the young people are starting to understand your betrayal. The eyes of all future generations are upon you, and if...
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Robert Furbank was at home in Canberra, Australia, watching a news segment about climate change with his two teenagers this summer when his daughter quipped, “Geez, Dad, you’ve really stuffed things up for us, haven’t you?” Sitting there as a proxy for the collective old guard, the plant physiologist faced the prospect that the next...
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Ms. Sharif will be joining world leaders at United Nations headquarters in New York next week at the Climate Action Summit convened by the UN Secretary-General António Guterres. UN-Habitat is supporting one of the nine action tracks designated by the Secretary-General “Infrastructure, Cities and Local Action” under the leadership of the Governments of Kenya and Turkey. UN News...
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