
The Common Good
The Brief  |  January 17, 2020 The Week in impact investing: climate action     ImpactAlpha The Week’s Agent of Impact Samara Hernandez, Chingona Ventures. The first hint that Samara Hernandez is not your typical venture capitalist is the name of her new firm: Chingona Ventures. Chingona is slang for “badass woman” in her native Mexico. She launched the...
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Polarization and conflict seem to be everywhere these days, and the workplace is no exception. When you spend a great deal of time with colleagues and managers, chances are that some conflicts are going to arise. Whether it’s disagreement on the best course of action to solve a thorny project issue, or a bigger-picture conflict...
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    Thinking about the future allows us to imagine what kind of future we want to live in and how we can get there. In 2018 we celebrated the fifty-year anniversary of the founding of the Institute for the Future (IFTF). No other futures organization has survived for this long; we’ve actually survived our...
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  Coworking spaces, by definition, group people together to work in one area, side by side. How closely depends on the accommodations and the management. Functioning in this environment can work differently for different people. A new survey reveals how workers feel about coworking spaces based on their individual personality types. The Dawn of Coworking...
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A worker pumping water from the Khahare River to supply a tanker in Kirtipur, Kathmandu. They make 4 to 5 trips every day.Credit…Purnima Shrestha for The New York Times By Peter Schwartzstein Jan. 11, 2020, 8:00 a.m. ET KATHMANDU, Nepal — It had been 11 days since a ruptured valve reduced Kupondole district’s pipeline flow...
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SAN DIEGO — The mood among economic forecasters gathered for their annual meeting last weekend was dark. They warned each other about President Trump’s trade war, about government budget deficits, and, repeatedly, about the inability of central banks to fully combat another recession should one sweep the globe anytime soon. Among the thousands of economists...
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What a difference a year makes. Last year at this time there was talk of recession, in part, because the stock market and yield curve were signaling warning signs. At the end of 2018, the Dow Jones Industrial Average had its worst year since 2008. If the stock market is falling, then investors must think...
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Climate change and its consequences have been in the headlines more than ever lately, and for good reason. It is estimated that if the average global temperature rises by 2 degrees Celsius on average over the next decade, it will result in irreversible damage to our planet and its inhabitants. Governments and their leaders have...
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This week the European Union outlined the world’s first comprehensive green-financing guidelines to regulate finance-industry claims in the thriving area of environmentally sustainable investment AKA ESG products. While the rules will apply only in the EU, they could have a broad effect due to Europe’s large financial markets and leadership in the sector. Lancelot King, counsel in...
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Can you invest in companies that help fight climate change or create a more equitable world and still make money? That is the question 20-something-year-old law graduate and investment banker En Lee found himself asking several years into his banking career. Having grown up in a family where philanthropy was a culture – his doctor...
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