
Transformational Power of Sustainability
What a difference a year makes. Last year at this time there was talk of recession, in part, because the stock market and yield curve were signaling warning signs. At the end of 2018, the Dow Jones Industrial Average had its worst year since 2008. If the stock market is falling, then investors must think...
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Nations across the world are following a United Nations blueprint to build a more sustainable future — but a new study shows that blueprint leads less to a castle in the sky, and more to a house that needs constant remodeling. Sustainability scientists have developed systematic and comprehensive assessment methods and performed the first assessment...
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Climate change and its consequences have been in the headlines more than ever lately, and for good reason. It is estimated that if the average global temperature rises by 2 degrees Celsius on average over the next decade, it will result in irreversible damage to our planet and its inhabitants. Governments and their leaders have...
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Can you invest in companies that help fight climate change or create a more equitable world and still make money? That is the question 20-something-year-old law graduate and investment banker En Lee found himself asking several years into his banking career. Having grown up in a family where philanthropy was a culture – his doctor...
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There is no shortage of examples of how investment management and products have changed over the years to adjust to market factors and investor demographics. Looking forward, NEPC, a research-driven independent investment consultant and private wealth adviser, has identified what it sees as the three new future fundamentals of investing and the largest drivers of...
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Thought leadership isn’t just another buzzword. According to LinkedIn and Edelman, more than 60 percent of C-suite executives said they were more willing to pay a premium to companies that create thought leadership with a clear vision, and 55 percent of business decision-makers said they increased spending with an organization based on its thought leadership....
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