
For a long time, I was generous to a fault with my time and attention: A student entrepreneur wants input on her business idea? Happy to help. An employee requests a meeting? I’m available. The nonprofit dearest to me needs an event chairperson? Of course. But I’ve reconsidered my reflexive “yes.” Earlier this year, I...
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In the first in a series of blog posts on private markets, we address the mechanics and outlook for key private market strategies. Fueled by a global need to fund long-term obligations, the demand for private market strategies is projected to grow. Are investors considering the full opportunity set? Fueled by a global need to...
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Hong Kong’s rich millennials are making inroads as they push for their family fortunes to be invested in ways that generate not only returns, but also a positive social and environmental impact. A difference in opinion, however, with the previous generation about wealth preservation and an inadequate local supply of investment products as well as...
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How are companies chipping away at the next generation of big, hairy, audacious goals (BHAGs)? Read on … A comprehensive look at IKEA’s new holistic impact measurement system By Richa Agarwal IKEA’s Peter Jones | Image credit: SB/Twitter With the approach of the “4P” program — which focuses on people, planet, profit, and perception —...
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If you’ve ever attempted to meet an ambitious goal, you’re probably familiar with just how difficult it is to change your habits. You’re also probably aware of how much influence the mind has in determining whether or not you’ll be successful in that endeavor. Some days, it feels like your brain corresponds with your body...
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“There’s an old saying, ‘Things move at the speed of trust,’” Brian Chesky, co-founder and chief executive of Airbnb, said on Wednesday at The New York Times DealBook conference. “Well, how could you possibly trust something on a platform if you don’t even know if it’s true?” If there is one singular issue that defines...
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Today, more and more people want their investment dollars to do some good in the world. Should you, too, consider sustainable investing? And if you do, must you accept weaker returns from your investments? To answer these questions, you may want to have some background on sustainable investing. Sustainable investing is generally understood to include...
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In a call for action at the end of this week’s High Mountain Summit to tackle the global warming causing glaciers to retreat, along with snow fields, permafrost and associated ecosystems – collectively called the cryosphere – the World Meteorological Organisation (WMO) and partners announced they would step up commitments on the issue of water security and natural disasters linked...
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Investors have a new resource at their disposal to make aligning their portfolios with their personal values easier than ever. The Invest Your Values search tools, created by As You Sow, a nonprofit that promotes corporate social responsibility, “offer investors insight into the environmental and social impact of their portfolios, alongside traditional metrics like financial...
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Will work for data We’ve been running a data science experiment over the past few months. Our first goal was to compare and contrast the amount of data we could actively gather using a link to an online survey (please click here to take it) vs. the amount of data we could passively gather using...
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